In the News: Funds give opportunities
"A direct appeal to parents has been School's most lucrative fundraising program, says the
school's parent council fundraising coordinator, who has two children attending the school..."
Source: Calgary Herald, August 26, 2010
In the News: How Alberta’s Education System is Regarded Beyond our Borders
"And the result: Alberta now has the best-performing
state schools of any English speaking regions.” With that
record, it’s little wonder the province has been noticed by
international educators. What is curious is that, here at
home, other provinces seem largely uninterested in learning
at Alberta’s knee.
Source: National Post, January 6, 2011
The "MLA Advisory Committee to Review Eligible Organizations" Access to and Distribution of Proceeds from Licensed Casino Events” report is finally out. Here is a link to the report and to the AGLC response:
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