Gifted Learning Program
               Parent Fundraising Society

Casino - Jan 29 and 30, 2015

  • Cowboys Casino (Stampede Park, free parking available.)
  • For more information contact Brenda at


We are in need of 50 volunteers:

We are in need of 50 volunteers, half by mid-October. Detailed descriptions of the positions and duties on AGLC website ( Training is provided and the jobs are relatively simple, although handling of money is required in some positions. This is a great way to meet other parents at our school. As this is an off-site volunteer opportunity, you DO NOT need volunteer clearance from the school.

Two steps are involved in signing up:

  1. Sign up with your name, cell phone number, and email at the following site:
  2. Complete the Casino Volunteer Worker Application found HERE. Print and fill out the form, then send a scanned copy to